Hardy telling at the Riverbend Storytelling Festival"One of the best things about touring the country and the rest of the world as a professional storyteller is the opportunity I have to travel to new places, and to see and hear tellers whom I haven't encountered before. And I must tell you ... one of the highlights of being here at the Riverbend Storytelling Festival this weekend — for me personally — has been the opportunity to see and hear the work of Hardy Garrison. He brings a unique, fresh and funny spin to even the most familiar tales. I know you'll enjoy watching and listening to Hardy just as much as I have."

Ed Stivender, Philadelphia, PA


An Important Notice from "The Story Guy"

August 1, 2007

Dear Friends:

I will be unavailable for any storytelling bookings for the remainder of this year, due to health issues.

In the meantime, however, I would encourage you to visit the online storyteller directory at www.WIStory.org, to locate an alternative performer.

Happy tales to you,

The Story Guy
Hardy Garrison, Storyteller
... as featured on
National Public Radio's "Stories In the Air"
and the PBS documentary series "Road Trip America"

Hardy is a Touring and Arts in Education Artist with the Wisconsin Arts Board.

For selected upcoming "Story Guy" appearances, click here!

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Cartoon portrait by Stanley White. Used with kind permission of the artist.
Website crafted by Tell-Tale (de)Sign. Content copyright © 1997-2007, R. Hardy Garrison.