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bio A little bit about Hardy "The Story Guy" ...

Hardy Garrison has been weaving stories for adults and kids of all ages since 1983, presenting programs for public libraries and schools, as well as for other groups and events.

Actor, educator, puppeteer, and storyteller, Hardy has entertained audiences in every corner of the state (and points beyond) with his unique "Story Guy" versions of folktales from around the globe.

"Telling a good story—weaving descriptions and characters and plot, transporting listeners smack-dab into the very heart of the tale—holds a unique joy for me," says Hardy. "Storytelling is a very powerful form of magic. Although each listener hears the same words, each has painted her or his own images of those words. This is true whether I'm telling to 2 or 200. Unlike watching television or movies, where we are 'spoon-fed' images, enjoying a good story is limited only by the bounds of one's imagination."

during a radio interviewRight: Hardy discusses storytelling and tells some tales during a recent radio interview.

As "the Story Guy" (a moniker Hardy enthusiastically accepted years ago, after hearing kids who recognized him from performances shout, "Hey, look! There's the Story Guy!"), this teller of tales brings his bag of rollicking stories to eager audiences throughout the year.

Hardy, who also maintains the websites for the Northlands Storytelling Network and "Storytelling In Wisconsin", is a member of the Madison Storytellers Guild, Northlands, and the National Storytelling Network.

He is also the 2000 recipient of the Lucy Beck Award, presented annually for noteworthy contributions and service in support of the art of storytelling in Wisconsin.

Site design and content copyright © 1997-2007, R. Hardy Garrison.